CIJ Culture Catalyst

Mindfulness Emotional Intelligence Resilience Accountability

CIJ: The Culture Catalyst 

You are ready to take your corporate culture to the next level.

CIJ Culture Catalyst Course is based on the Creativity in Business curriculum, a proven, state-of the-art methodology that was created by Dr. Michael Ray at Stanford University.

This program provides businesses with a competitive edge by helping to foster and develop the powerful creative potential within individuals and teams leading to greater innovation using Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence tools and processes.


In this powerful, life shifting, 8-week course (taught either in person or live online), your employees will be given the blueprint to achieve a life work balance that will make them LOVE coming to work for you. Their clarity, creativity, innovation, and passion for work will increase exponentially …and so will the bottom line.


The process brings about high levels of team effectiveness, collaboration, and positive shifts in organizational culture. 

Benefits and Outcomes

The Culture Catalyst program moves individuals and teams toward higher performance, community, collaboration, and co-creativity. Specific benefits and outcomes often include the following:

Inspired innovative problem-solving and consistent breakthrough-thinking to find innovative solutions to complex problems.

Renewed internal balance and well-being so that the individual can experience more peace and joy, both in and out of the workplace.

Improved communication that leads to greater trust and connection between the team members.

Decreased stress and anxiety using Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence practices to cultivate peak performance.

Enlivened new paradigms for work to be fun, engaging, and collaborative which ultimately serve to positively affect the bottom line.

Established Conscious Communication tools for individuals to become more compassionate and effective in their leadership roles.

We offer group facilitation, one-on-one with top executives, and corporate retreats.

Speakers and Supporters of the CIJ Culture Catalyst

(Formerly called Creativity in Business at Stanford University)

Steve Jobs

 Co-founder, Apple Computer

Michael Gould

Founder & President, The Learning Tree Open University

Ken Oshman

Co-founder & CEO, IBM Corp.

Jim Collins

Author of Good to Great

Charles Schwab

Founder & CEO, Charles Schwab & Co.

Krista Brunson

Producer, The Today Show on NBC

Philip Knight

Founder & CEO, Nike, Inc.

The Culture Catalyst

A course for companies ready to infuse a work/life balance into their environment.

You are a compassionate leader who wants only the best for the people who work for you. You know that stress and pressure can be part of the job, and you also know that it doesn’t have to be that way.

You are ready to transform your corporate culture with mindfulness and emotional intelligence because you know that training and developing your staff in this innovative way will ultimately create more progress, creativity, and well-being in your workplace.

With a track record of very successful people taking this course, you can feel confident that this will shift the current paradigm for your people; that work has to be grueling and hard, to work can be fun, engaging, and a collaborative process, which will ultimately increase the bottom line for everyone involved.

The CIJ Culture Catalyst is based on a Stanford University Master’s degree class in transformation. It will provide your staff with a crystal-clear blueprint to tap into their creative FLOW and INNOVATION so that they can achieve BALANCE and HAPPINESS both in life and at work.

CIJ Culture Catalyst is available for your company. Please leave us your name and email and we will send you further information.

Set up a 15-minute Discovery Call to work with me!